The practices in this saloon include;
- Hair braiding
- weaving
- trimming
- treating
- pedicure and manicure
Most of learning in this saloon is by doing because the workers have not undergone any formal training. when i inquired about any students coming to be trained, i was told that the people around donot enjoy working very much and that confrimed an observation made that most of the workers in the saloon are ugandans.
- The quality of work offered in this saloon is not the best and due to lack of quality trainig, adresser has spent alot of time handling one client.
- The environment around and in the saloon is not clean enough to attract clients to this saloon.
- Customer care is still lacking for example a client has to sit of the floor to be plaited and keeps there for a very long time.
- The saloon has only one dryer which makes clients to wait for long hours to wait the former clients to dry their hair and this is abit inconviencing for those who do not have alot of time.
- The way chemical is applied to clients' hair is unprofessinally done and this spoils their hair.
- The blades of the shaving machine are not changed frequently and the machine is not sterilized before use which is abit risking for the clients.
A detailed and credible story - for the most.
From reading your description it seems that this enterprise has a potential for improvements. Your observations and your documentation give me an impression of credibility. The comments made about people not wanting to work seems generalised and to me they differs quite a lot from the rest. Who did tell this and what made you to conclude the way your text implies?
Aidah, I'd like to see what you think are good solutions to these issues while it's still fresh on your mind? Microfinancing using the group model so as to buy another dryer, for example? In this scheme, it would be good to learn a bit more about microloans as it can apply to the rest of your blogs and the work of others with the possible exception of nursing which requires more funding. I say this because it's an interesting area to look at since most loans have requirements for good reason :) I'd also suggest that you make sure you punctuate your writings and check for grammar errors. This is part of your research so keep it looking academic the whole way through. Keep up the good work! Frank
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