Monday, 17 November 2008


The medical training school offers three basic courses under three different departments. These are;
· Nursing department. This department deals with registered nursing which takes two and a half years.

· Midwifery department. This department deals with an advanced certificate in midwifery which takes one and a half years

· Medical laboratory sciences. This department handles an advanced certificate in laboratory sciences which takes two years.

These departments do not act as very independent units since instructors from any of these departments attend to the different students in the different departments. Each of the departments has an average of three instructors instead of the ideal five which makes teaching and learning hard at this center. A case in point is failure to attend to students as timetabled because one is attending to a patient in hospital as most of the instructors are working in the hospital too.

Students are recruited by the ministry of health which receives students’ application letters and later invites the shortlisted candidates for interviews. The ministry then sends the students to the centers.

The academic year usually begins in October with preparatory courses of English, mathematics, chemistry and Biology for the new entrants. Only those who pass exams of the preparatory courses are promoted to the next level in their different departments. Incase one fails all the subjects, he/she can be given a chance to repeat the class and if he/she fails again, the individual is discontinued. Even when the student progresses to the next level and fails at the end of the first year, he/she has to repeat the year.
All students spend a maximum of six months of practice under supervision and guidance when they have accomplished their theoretical classes and demonstrations.


Frankie said...

According to your description the lack of teachers is leading to a lack of structure in the teaching process. Did you discuss this with any gov't officials yet? I'd be curious to see where they place this in their priorities. What do the students say or rather feel in this regard?

Paul Tartisio Kenyi said...

Hei, Aida, nice to read your blog on Institute of Medical training in Yei.

One question for reflection, Is discontinuing a student from his/her studies in name of failing a solution for the development of man-power? What is your own and personal reflection upon such observation?

Unknown said...

please the admin of yei national medical institute may u send me an admission form , i want to be part of you in studies
assai james franco
torit EES